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RE Intent Statement


At The Abbey Primary School, we have designed our R.E. curriculum to enable our children to become Religiously literate learners. Our R.E. curriculum allows children to discover and gain an insight into religions within the world that we live. We use Understanding Christianity to explore the Christian faith and work with Discovery RE and The Emmanuel project to explore other world faiths.   


Our curriculum is progressive in that all year groups cover the Creation, (taught at the beginning of each school year), Incarnation, (taught in the build-up to Christmas), and Salvation, (taught in the half term before Easter) units at the same time each year building on past knowledge. We are equally committed to making sure other world faiths such as Judaism, Hinduism, and Islam are also built on and are revisited throughout the childrens RE learning.


We see the teaching of R.E. as vital for children to understand others’ beliefs and make connections between their own lives and values. It is also vital the children are aware of the diversity of RE across the faiths we teach. Finding connections and seeing differences where they occur. We do this by ensuring pupils are inquisitive by asking questions about the world around them and by allowing pupils to gain high-quality experiences, through high-quality Religious Education lessons weekly.   


KS1 & 2 Understanding Christianity and The Emmanuel Project Units




Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



Year 1


Understanding Christianity 

Who made the world?



Understanding Christianity 

Why does Christmas matter to Christians?


Understanding Christianity 

What do Christians believe God is like?


Understanding Christianity 

Why does Easter matter to Christians?



The Emmanuel Project

Why is the Torah such a joy for the Jewish community?



The Emmanuel Project

Why do Jewish families say so many prayers and blessings?



Year 2


Understanding Christianity 

Who made the world?

Digging deeper


Understanding Christianity 

Why does Christmas matter to Christians? Digging deeper


Understanding Christianity 

What is the good news that Jesus brings?


Understanding Christianity 

Why does Easter matter to Christians? Digging deeper


The Emmanuel Project

Why is learning to do good deeds so important?


The Emmanuel Project

How do some Muslins show Allah is compassionate and merciful?



Year 3


Understanding Christianity 

What do Christians learn from the creation story?

Comparative study of creation stories


Understanding Christianity 

What is the trinity?



Understanding Christianity 

What kind of world did Jesus want?


Understanding Christianity 

Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday>?


The Emmanuel Project

How does a Muslim show their submission and obedience to Allah?


The Emmanuel Project

Why does a Hindu want to collect good Karma?



Year 4


Understanding Christianity 

What do Christians learn from the creation story?

Digging deeper


Understanding Christianity 

What is the trinity?

Digging deeper

Kingdom of God

Understanding Christianity 

When Jesus left what was the role of Pentecost?


Understanding Christianity 

Why do Christians call the day Jesus dies ‘good Friday?

Digging deeper


The Emmanuel Project

How does the story of Rama and Sita inspire Hindus to follow their Dhama?




The Emmanuel Project

What symbols and stories help Jewish people remember their covenant with God?



Year 5

Christianity Creation/Fall Understanding Christianity 

Creation and science conflicting or complementary?


Understanding Christianity 

Was Jesus the Messiah?


Understanding Christianity 


What did Jesus do?


Understanding Christianity 

What did Jesus do to save humans?


The Emmanuel Project

What does the QU’ran reveal about Allah?


The Emmanuel Project

What spiritual pathways to Moksha are written about Hindu scriptures?



Year 6

Christianity Creation/Fall Understanding Christianity 

Creation and science conflicting or complementary? Digging deeper


Understanding Christianity 

Was Jesus the Messiah? Digging Deeper

People Of God

Understanding Christianity 

How can following God bring

freedom and justice?


Understanding Christianity 

What difference does the resurrection make to Christians?

Digging deeper


The Emmanuel Project

Why do Humanists say happiness is the goal of life?


The Emmanuel Project

What is Holiness for Jewish people?