Welcome to our school. Do have a look around the website and contact us if you would like to arrange a visit. We have some spaces available in Reception for September 2024.


Dear Parents,

This is the new attendance guidance which applies from September 2017.

I have also attached an attendance table that shows clearly how important it is for children to be at school.

I have attached both files as well in case you want to save the information for future reference.

If you have any questions about this then please contact me.


Mr Salisbury

Every school day counts towards your child’s future. Days off school add up to lost learning.

Section 7 Education Act 1996

It is the duty of the parent of every child of compulsory school age* to cause him or her to receive efficient full time education suitable:-

  • To his/her age, ability and aptitude, and
  • To any special educational needs he/she may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise*Compulsory school age begins at the start of the term following the child’s 5th birthday and ends on the last Friday in June of the school year when they reach 16. From September 2015 all 16 year olds will be required to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday.
Abbey Primary Attendance Policy states:

Abbey Primary School is committed to providing a full and efficient education to all pupils and embraces the concept of equal opportunities for all.

We will endeavour to provide an environment where all pupils feel valued and welcome.

For a child to reach their full educational potential a high level of school attendance is essential.
We will consistently work towards a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to pupils and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance.

Your child should not be absent from school for any of the following reasons

  • Holidays during term time
  • Shopping
  • Looking after family or house
  • Getting up late
  • Birthdays
  • Looking after brothers or sisters

There has been new guidance issued by Dorset following the Supreme Court ruling for Isle of Wight Council V Platt. The court’s decision on 6th April 2017 means that Penalty Notices will be issued for unauthorised absence from school.

The level of absence that is necessary before a Penalty Notice can be issued is 10 or more half days (one day = 2 half sessions) of unauthorised absence within a 12 school week period. The Penalty Notice will be a fine which is currently £60 per parent, per child.

If the Penalty Notice is not paid, legal action will follow.