Welcome to our school. Do have a look around the website and contact us if you would like to arrange a visit. We have some spaces available in Reception for September 2024.


School Reward System

We have two reward systems in place. One for Key stage one and another for Key stage two. Points for both systems are awarded for

  • Attitude to learning
  • Positive behaviour
  • Politeness and manners
  • Kindness to others
  • Good deeds
Key Stage one

Rainbow points

These are recorded on a chart in the classroom and each time a point is awarded it goes towards a point on the rainbow. There are seven certificates for each rainbow. Red, orange, yellow and Green certificates= 15 points each and Blue, indigo and Violet certificates = 20 points each. Throughout KS1 there are three rainbows to achieve. On completion of the first rainbow they receive an enamelled rainbow badge, the second rainbow and rainbow challenge they will receive a small prize.
Key Stage two


This is split into two reward types

Year 3 & 4 work towards ‘Going for Gold’ and points are awarded for a bronze (25), silver (40) and gold (75) smiley pin badge and certificate. If by the end of year four they have achieved the Gold they can go onto ‘School Blue’ which requires 75 points and also a more active school role – representing the school, going to a club and also giving the class a presentation.
Year 5 & 6 work towards ‘Merits’ and points are awarded for bronze, silver and Gold merit badges. They can also go on to gain a Silver achiever award and a gold achiever award.